How to Get Licensed

Arkansas Real Estate School > How to Get Licensed

How to Get Licensed in Arkansas 

   You can read the information below to know how to get licensed as a real estate agent in Arkansas.  


Steps to get Licensed in Arkansas

   Arkansas Real Estate Commission (AREC) requires all real estate license applicants to complete a state and federal criminal background check. This requirement applies to resident and nonresident applicants.
  1. You must complete an approved 60-hour required Pre Licensing course.  You can register for this required course by clicking HERE. *

  2. You must complete an Application For Real Estate License Examination Form for the examination, and the Background Check Acknowledgement Identity Form (BCA).  Then you submit both forms to the Arkansas Real Estate Commission.  You must sign the paper application in the presence of a Notary Public.

  3. You will Include official proof of being at least 18 years of age (Driver’s License, Birth Certificate, Military ID, etc.) 

  4. Submit a $50.00 processing fee in the form of a cashier’s check or money order made payable to AREC.

  5. AREC will email authorization to be fingerprinted and information for the criminal background check/fingerprinting process to the applicant.

  6. You will then contact a third-party fingerprint Harvester Service to schedule an appointment to have fingerprints harvested and submitted to the Arkansas State Police.  The fee for the FBI and ASP background check is $36.25 and must be paid online by debit or credit card.

  7. AREC will send a Certificate of Exam Eligibility via US Mail after the application has been processed.  This process usually takes about 3 weeks.  To check the status of your application contact the Arkansas Real Estate Commission via email at [email protected] .

  8. You can then contact Pearson-Vue, and schedule an exam date.  The testing fee is $75 payable at the time of scheduling the exam with Pearson-Vue.

  9. Pass the license exam!

  10. Interview with Principal Brokers you wish to affiliate with and obtain the Principal Broker’s signature on your PASS score report. 

  11. Submit the proper forms to AREC no later than 90 DAYS AFTER passing the exam.   The total fee for license activation and mandatory recovery fund contribution is  $75.00.

  12. You must complete the required 18-hour post-licensing education course not later than 6 months after becoming licensed.  You can schedule that course with Arkansas Real Estate School by clicking HERE! If you would like to complete this course as a self paced online class click HERE!

* Applications can be submitted prior to completion of pre-license education. Please note that Certificates of Exam Eligibility will not be issued until 1) AREC receives proof of completion of pre-license education AND 2) the Applicant’s fingerprints are electronically submitted to Arkansas State Police.


Arkansas Real Estate License Requirements

Salesperson applicants must:
  1. Have reached the age of eighteen (18);
  2. Successfully complete sixty (60) classroom hours of real estate education from an accredited school.  Thirty (30) of those classroom hours must be in the basic principles of real estate;
  3. Pass the license examination;
  4. Send the proper forms and fees to the Arkansas Real Estate Commission to pay for the license no later than ninety (90) days after passing the exam.
  5. Complete 18 hours of Post-license education not later than 6 months after the initial license is issued.
Broker applicants must:
  1. Have reached the age of majority, eighteen (18).
  2. Successfully complete sixty (60) classroom hours of real estate education of instruction in real estate principles, license law, and commission regulations from an accredited school within thirty-six (36) months immediately preceding the date of the application.
  3. Have been licensed as an active real estate salesperson or broker for at least twenty four (24) months within the previous forty-eight (48) month period immediately preceding the date of application. However, upon written request the experience requirement may be waived for a real estate broker applicant who has held an active real estate broker license in another state.  Details of waiver options can be found HERE. 
  4. Pass the license examination!
  5. Send the proper forms and fees to the Arkansas Real Estate Commission to pay for your license no later than ninety (90) days after passing the examination.
  6. Complete 30 hours of Post-license education no later than 6 months after the initial license is issued. To register for this course click HERE. (The Brokers courses are not available through self paced to any schools, this is mandated by the AREC. We do have these classes available through zoom and occasionally in person.)
Applicants currently licensed in another state:

An applicant currently licensed in another state and seeking licensure in Arkansas at the same level, may request a waiver of the GENERAL portion of the examination. An applicant meeting all three (3) of the following requirements MAY be required to take only the Arkansas Law Portion of the Examination.

  1. Has passed a uniform, general, or multi-state part of an examination for a real estate license in another state in which the examination is determined by the Commission to meet generally acceptable standards of real estate testing, and
  2. The other state requires a minimum passing grade no lower than that required for the general part of the Arkansas examination (70), and
  3. The applicant is licensed in the other state at the time of taking the Arkansas examination.
Please call the Arkansas Real Estate Commission to determine requirements specific to your situation. 501-683-8010







Arkansas Real Estate School 501.223.2737                                                 

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