Check this chart to see which format best fits your needs, skills and schedule!

Click here to go to the virtual learning schedule and registration.
Click here to go to Self-Paced learning and registration.
Is the Arkansas Real Estate School still open?
Yes! We are still operating, however our staff frequently works remote. We usually have our office manager in the office on Tuesday & Thursday from 9am-3pm, however we advise calling to make sure staff will be available before stopping by.
What is “Live-Stream”? And how can I be a part of it?
Live-Streamed classes are just that, real-time instruction streamed to your location. Participation is similar to Facetime or a live webinar. Class peers, instructor and moderator are all visible and participating in real-time. While you can use your phone, we recommend participating via PC or laptop for best viewing of materials. The setting is as if you are in the classroom with the ability to ask questions and network with others from the convenience of your own home or office. We are currently using Zoom as our platform.
When will you resume classes in the classroom?
We are now offering live classes a couple of times a year. When in-person classes are created, the schedule will list the location of the class rather than “Live Stream”. We will keep our website and Facebook updated with any changes.
Shouldn’t I wait until the virus is over to register?
Since we do not have a solid timeline, we encourage you to keep reaching for your dreams. Our instructor has put together several materials, in addition to your normal handouts and text book, to assist you through this. You are always welcome to sit through class again to refresh before your exam. We hold classes monthly.
What about my application and exam eligibility deadline?
Please visit the AREC website for additional information and extensions on deadlines here:
Can I still schedule my exam?
Yes! PearsonVue is currently taking appointments. You need to apply for the exam and receive your letter of eligibility BEFORE you can schedule your exam. Due to the enforcement of social distancing, there is currently a wait period and we encourage you to use that time to study or sit in on the current class to refresh for free!
Your school usually does the notary service and fingerprinting, will you still provide this to us?
No. Our facility does not provide finger printing.
Arkansas State Police are currently restricting this service to medical personnel. You may schedule your finger printing at for $10 OR for $20
You may get your application notarized at most local banks for free. Or you may swing by our office with your identification for notarization.
How long do I have to register for the class?
You may register for any class up to the time of the scheduled class.
What about the materials? How do I get them?
All CE (continuing education) classes will be sent materials in digital format via email.
For all Pre and Post licensing classes, materiel will be mailed as long as registration is five (5) days prior to the start day of the course. If you register after that date, your material will be sent digitally OR you may pick up material by arranging a time with our office manager by calling 501-223-2737 or email [email protected]
Do we get breaks?
Yes, you will get a 10 minute break every hour. You will also have a lunch break. If you need to get up to use the restroom etc, please do so. Just like when you are in the actual classroom.
Is it okay if I get my hair done/drive my car/babysit/work another job/garden/clean house/etc while class is going on?
No. If you are not fully participating as if you are in a classroom setting, your time will not count toward the 60 hour required time to complete the course. Time missed will have to be made up at the next available class. If you miss 10 minutes within a hour, AREC requires you make up the entire hour.